Whether you serve clients with a healing practice or you are interested in new self-help tools for your own journey discover a system that allows you to integrate everything you have learned and take your skill set to a whole new level of expertise with the gift of facilitating the extraordinary for clients. Stop Guessing! – Other healing systems often rely on detailed diagnostic tools where you must interpret results and make educated decisions on next steps for the client. It can require thousands of hours of practice to consistently make successful calls on where to go next in the client’s process. Frequently, our initial assessments are based on what the clients provide in answer to our questions. This may not always be the information needed for successful results. The Resonance Repatterning system teaches a unique applied kinesiology’s technique called muscle checking ( often referred to as muscle testing) In this system we are simply checking for resonance which is the universal law of attraction. Start Trusting! -when you study Resonance Repatterning with us it often confirm how much you already know about healing and gives you a framework of using muscle checking and your rich energetic data base of skills and experiences. | "The Resonance Repatterning system provides a model for positive change and self-transformation. It enable us to identify and transform our resonance with the root cause of our problems - the non-coherent patterns - often with a surprising sense of ease. Positive change in any sphere of our life is an automatic result of resonating with higher vibratory states of coherence; Resonance Repatterning supports this natural movement and evolution."- Chloe Wordsworth |
The client is always right. In the Resonance Repatterning system, there is an acknowledgment of the shared field of energy between facilitator and participant or practitioner/client. The higher wisdom of the participant guides the facilitator toward the next best step in the healing process for that participant at that time. The wisdom you bring to each session is fine but takes a back seat to that of the client.
For example, Carolyn writes – “Some years ago a new client came for a session. She desperately wanted to free herself from the painful memories of an excruciatingly abusive childhood. My initial internal reaction/ judgment as a new practitioner at the time was oh no; this will be deep and messy and require many sessions to achieve her goal. I was surprised. The muscle checking indicator focused the session on the future for this young woman not on the past events. She was asked to name career intentions. A positive action was identified that would stretch her mental outlook. She was to obtain educational brochures for 2 different programs and discuss them with a trusted friend by a certain date. She left the session on cloud nine - happy, optimistic and forward looking. As it turned out her years of therapy had already served her well. Her system identified the need to resonate with moving forward in life with positive next steps. I learned a valuable lesson in trusting muscle checking and that ultimately the client’s system is always right. “
In the example above, you might see practitioners without specialized training for a particular problem, feeling inadequate. They may be concerned about assisting a client or feel the limitation of their healing skills in terms of helping. In Resonance Repatterning we forge through a session in order to be as helpful as possible. It is nice to have a process that supports genuine transformation by empowering the client; a client centered process. This is exactly the case with Resonance Repatterning where the facilitator is now in the role of interpreting the next steps guided by the higher wisdom of the client rather than relying on their best judgment, formal training, or lack of it.
You already know more than you know! – In the resonance repatterning system, facilitators, bring their own rich experience, training and knowledge to the sessions. Other systems of learning can be effectively added into the practitioner’s use of the Resonance Repatterning system as an option in the overall sequence of a session. Muscle checking by the facilitator will indicate what precisely is needed.
The Resonance Repatterning system uses your skills and experience to bring out the very best for each client in every session! It also brings out the best in you as a practitioner! We offer a structure that allows the energy healing practitioner to INTEGRATE everything they have already learned. Many have found that the tools in their tool box did not work as well as desired or change did not happen as expected. Integrating what you have already mastered with the Resonance Repatterning system can result in much more effective, timely, and perhaps synchronistic results.
The Secret to Successful Sessions –We know that everything a practitioner does for a participant helps AND is helpful. Showing up for another person with compassion and good intention will accomplish that. What it can’t do is clear the unconscious patterns that underlie all symptoms. The healing path is then slow and symptoms often return to everyone’s disappointment. A more permanent shift will not occur until resonance with the web of underlying patterns has cleared.
Resonance Repatterning is a cutting edge method with a winning proven formula that does just that! Identifies a problem, reveals the unconscious pattern underneath it then moves the stuck energy with appropriate spiral up healing options. It is a simple process with an inner complexity that provides amazing results.
Lillianna faced an uncertain business disaster when several large receivables went unpaid and her line of credit was frozen. Her business was coming to a grinding a halt. She felt physically immobilized. She reached out to a Resonance Repatterning practitioner whom she had seen once for something entirely different. The session revealed a resonance with an earlier experience where her parents business was constantly up and down and on the brink of closure. Within 10 minutes of realizing the pattern and healing it, the phone rang with apologies from customers who had not paid and now called to make immediate arrangements. Of course not all sessions are this immediate yet many are. It depends on how many layers need to be identified and transformed around a core pattern.
Jocelyn had regular repatterning sessions over a period of 18 months that helped her to make the transition from deep lifelong patterns of people pleasing, an inability to say no, and self-doubt. She had longed for a life of her own where she had the courage to follow through on many of her dreams and wishes. Her sessions focused on
present issues but frequently found resonances with unmet life needs from the past, earlier experiences that kept zapping her energy and resonance with imposed family beliefs that limited her. After clearing some of these patterns, she began to make new decisions in her life that she could not do before. To the astonishment of family and many friends she began trying new things from her ‘bucket list’ including adventure weekend trips, trying things like zip-lining, learning to play a musical instrument, and joining a choir. She found it easier to say no and maintain clear boundaries with her time.
Patrick had difficulty throwing things away and keeping his apartment organized. His official excuse was a diagnosis of ADDH. He was constantly distracted and unable to focus on the task at hand. He doubted that a session or two would make a difference. However, after the first session, he called the practitioner to report that he had enthusiastically taken 5 bags of trash to the curb and that the apartment was in order.
Five basic seminars leading to eligibility for certification are offered online in live video conferenced class sessions with licensed teacher Ardis Ozborn. We use the zoom.us video conferencing service (free to you). Classes are held twice per week in 4 hour segments at 1pm Eastern time to 5pm Est. They are recorded and the videos available afterwards and until a few months after the completion of the training.
Ask questions live on line from the comfort of your home. Your world is welcomed in our classroom.
Students are given in between class assignments of reading or exchanging sessions with assigned partners. Our students are encouraged to continue the learning partnership of exchanging sessions well after training is completed.
TRY IT OUT FREE - join our site at the "Getting Started Membership" level and check out any of our recorded group sessions (Weight Repatterning, Relationship Repatterning, 5 Seasons Series of 5 sessions ...)
The Fundamentals -you are introduced to the world of energy work and the concepts of resonance and coherence as it applies to our fields of energy. You will become aware of the how your experiences of problems, pain or limitations your can be confirmed as out of sync frequencies using our unique application of kiniseology – called muscle checking. Using this tool you will also learn to shift your energy to abundant expereinces of love , joy growth and expansion. .
Primary Patterns - Patterns related to self image how you express yourself creatively ; how you think and the impact your thoughts have for better or worse on yourself and others; the power of appreciation to create extraordinary change and your capacity to commit your energy appropriately to every aspect of your life.
As we bring our frequencies into sync in relation to the primary patterns we automatically being to resonate with a higher state of vitality harmony in our relations and the confidence to live our best in all circumstances.
Transforming Unconscious Patterns - In this seminar we explore the brain's neural pathways, o habitually used that they appear to be 'who I am' area actually activated and created in response to earlier experiences, tresses, belief and ways of viewing our self and life.
We will see how our earlier experiences initiate the neural connections of our brain pathways and that by changing our reoance with our earlier experience (our conscious beliefs and feeling response patterns), we change our brain's neural connections and how we function in life. We'll explore topics that include: our responses to our earlier expereiences which manifest as compensations, our breath and limbic reptilian brain survival responses, how to repattern our past patterns involving parents and earlier experiences, integration for growth.
Transforming Chakra Patterns - in this seminar you are introduced to the ancient 5,000 year old Ayurvedic system with its seven major energy centers or Chakras, from the crown of the head to the base of the spine, that nourish the body, emotions, and mind. These concentrated reservoirs of energy impact your body, your emotional responses, your thoughts and attitudes. In this seminar ou learn to balance the energy patterns assoicated with the Chakra for improved health, performance and relationship
Transforming Five Element and Meridian Patterns - In the final segment of this training we are introduced to the powerful body of knowledge and wisdom from the Chinese Acupuncture System including a deeper understanding of the Five Elements and the Twelve Meridians. We learn how energy flows through this energy system via the five elements, learning about the mothering /nourishing cycle and the control cycle. We are introduced to characteristic qualities of the meridians at the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, relationship and business levels. we learn a number of repatternings that helps us determine the ideal acupuncture point or points to create a positive shift in energy for our presenting issues and intentions.