Join Us for the Next Five Seasons Repatterning
September 23 at 7:00pm Eastern
- Metal Element Repatterning Qualities of...
of quality, value, respect, inspiration, clear intellect, Fathering letting go, money, acknowledgment, appreciation and truth.

In this series of 5 group sessions participants set an overall goal or intention for the year. We'll support our intentions with the 5 'seasonal' repatterning sessions based on the 5 elements energy theory. When we are in synch with nature, we naturally take those actions that support our intentions and let go of those things that hold us back or do not work for us. We transition through each season with ease and access the primary qualities of the season to support our goals.
We Started last December 21.with the Water Element Season
Revisit the sessions via the video recordings available when you register and login to the webinar page.
Session Include an opportunity to submit your intentions in advance of the session, attend the live event or access the video afterwards.
Become aware of the qualities activated within you as the seasons move through the year. Experience how seasonal energy supports your goal.
December 21st Water Element Seasonal Qualities for perseverance, ambiion flow, adaptability, clear thought, reserves, courage, boundaries, responsiveness,
March 20th - for Wood Element seasonal qualities of new beginnings, vision, sense of direction, planning potential and identity
June 21st - for Fire Element Seasonal qualities of joy, warmth, intimacy, compassion, sorting out, relationships, and open-heartedness
August 22nd for Earth Element Seasonal qualities of self-nurturance, groundedness, home, reaping the haravest, security, natural cycles and centering.
September 23rd for Metal Element Seasonal qualities of quality, value, respect, inspiration, clear intellect, Fathering letting go, money, acknowledgment, appreciation and truth.