Why do some relationships just 'click' and others fizzle out shortly after an introduction?
How can I attract a long term committed relationship?
How can I handle relationship conflict coherently?
Join Chloe Wordsworth online on October. 2, 23, 30, November 6, 13th, 20, 2019 for...
THE ENERGETICS OF RELATIONSHIP... explains our relationships in terms of electricity - why we are attracted to one person and turned off by another, why some people light us up and others don't, and why even a close relationship can fizzle. In this book we see how quarrels and conflicts, childhood traumas, and problems with intimacy relate to a dysfunction in our electric circuit. In an electrical system, as well as in our relationships, there are four components. If each component is functioning properly, electricity flows - and our relationship is great. If any component is not functioning properly, the electric current will be weak or excessive - and our relationship will have problems. ENERGETICS OF RELATIONSHIP grounds the idea of the four components through eleven Repatternings. Even reading the Repatternings and answering the questions they focus on brings about a new awareness of ourself and has the potential to change how we relate to the people in our life.
In this seminar Chloe Wordsworth will demonstrate as many repatternings as time allows. Participants are welcomed to 'proxy in'. There is an opportunity to ask questions of Chloe and to arrange exchange sessions with other students.
What you will learn...
The power of the resistor: Five Repatternings balance our inbuilt resistance system so it creates positive resistance for protecting our circuit and preventing burnout in our relationship circuit.
- Reactive Response
- Transforming Resistance
- Conflict and Resolution
- Personality Type and their Defenses
- Suppressed Emotion-Images
The power of the inductor: Three repatternings include current flow into the wire of the energy channels and the body mind system. Relationships and life are dependent on this flow of essential energy
6. Relationship Intentions
7. Energy Exchange
8. Continuum of Relationships
The power of the capacitor: Two Repatternings enhance our ability and the capacity of our relationships to store current or positive energy and release it when needed.
9. Bonding- Separation Stress
10. Developmental Phases of Relationship
The power of the source: This repatterning enlivens our circuits and those of our relationships by enabling us to resonate with our essential energy
11. Geometric Frequencies
- 6 or more of the 11 Repatternings are demonstrated in 6 classes of 3 1/2 hours each.
- An additional practice class is hosted by Ardis Ozborn
- Have the opportunity to be a demonstration client or be proxied into all sessions with Chloe
- learn in our traditional interactive seminar experience online!
- meet other students and exchange sessions
- ask and answer questions in the discussion forums
- access the recordings and online class space for up to 12 months.
The learning environment... Online - Interactive
Venue - this seminar is hosted as a live interactive event with Chloe Wordsworth using video conferencing services of zoom.us (free to you)
Class Dates: October. 2, 23, 30, November 6, 13th, 20 2019
Practice Date: October 16 with Ardis Ozborn
Time: Classroom 'doors' open at 11:30am Eastern; Class begins at 12- noon to 3:30pm Eastern
Recordings: Video recording provided the next day
Seminar 'Home Room' Resources - All of the Ozardis.com seminars are supported with a home room page to privately access
- class list
- video recordings
- related downloads
- discussion board topics and follow ups from Chloe
Pre-Requisites and Other Requirements:
- Completion of the Five Elements and Meridians Seminar is the training requirement.
- Purchase and complete the Energetics home study course from RRI prior to the start of class
- Join as an Advanced Studies Member at www.Ozardis.com to register as a Retaker.
- Not already an Ozardis.com member? You will be required to complete the membership application to finalize your enrollment in the class. Join for free here
- First time new Student - $1350 (3 installment payment plan available)
- Retaker - $300
Video Link: Here more about this seminar... Click Here to view the interview with Chloe talking about the Energetics seminar.