Your Vision Through Movement Memory and Light.
We are so excited to offer this advanced online class: Movement Through Memory Vision and Light. Chloe will be teaching this transformational seminar helping us to understand the enormous impact of stress on our systems.
Many students have transformed their vision with these powerful repatternings. We look at the impact of stress and the reduction of the amount of light that comes into our eyes when those muscles tense up. We stop seeing clearly and our movements become restricted because the brain is not flooding with light. When we release tension through many new spiral up options we attract more light into our system. Our vision improves literally and figuratively.
Chloe will be demonstrating many new repatternings. We more easily connect to our Inner Light. Conflicts are reduced when we begin to see different points of view. Pain diminishes as we are able to move more comfortably and Laughter becomes more natural. In addition we look at repatternings for our Memory Imprints and the role play in our vision.
Chloe will be teaching in the Ozardis classroom May 15-June 26 on Wednesdays from 12-3:30 P.M. (est). There will not be a class on May 29th. If you are unable to attend all the classes you are welcome to listen to the recordings.
I will "SEE" you there! Ardis